Writings Update 

My loyal fans I’m giving you an update on my writings thus far. I’m slowly making progress on my African American cowboy western, Nate Turner. He’s done the runaway slave, worked as a stevedore at a Cincinnati dock, joined the Civil War, became a cowboy herding cattle up the Chism Trail to Kansas City and is now making his life as a family man in Miles City, Montana. 

I received some good news from another hybrid publisher called Atmosphere Press. They want to publish Dog Named Boo.  It’s the first book of the Mark Marteau Mystery Series, which has as the protagonist a young man who has a past that’s coming back to haunt him big time. Mark Marteau is an FBI agent who handles this case that starts years earlier as the shooting of this man’s dog named Boo. 

I’ve been working on editing my manuscripts now since this new project has taken so long. The last one I sent back to my beta reader to check is called Deitrich. This one is about a German expatriate living in Cuba framed for assassinating the head of Cuba’s State Security. The Tequila Sunrise detectives of Pedro Lopez, Manuel Morales, and Rachael Brodzinski are asked to solve this murder. 

That’s about it for now my loyal readers. Hopefully, in a few months I can update you some more on my progress. Thank you all for your continued support. 

Published by Jerry Schellhammer

Jerry, a published author of both published and self-published books, is devoting his time and efforts to his craft after having retired from the previous job as a janitor at Northern Quest Resort and Casino. He now calls Gooding, Idaho his home. Writing is his passion and he now has a successfully published book and another on the way to being published later this year. He has a BA in English with emphasis in professional writing from Washington State University. His website: www.jerryschellhammer.com is available for everyone to see. In it are the lists of published books available both through Amazon and Barnes & Noble in eBook and print format.

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